I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. In the year that has passed, I have completed my junior year, worked at the White House, gone to Europe, and watched my friends graduate. And now, I am getting to ready to start again. It’s the beginning of the end. A year full of firsts and lasts. I plan to fully embrace this change and participate in my senior year. I cannot wait to take it all in and make this year the best time ever on Mount Saint James.
For those of you who don’t know, I chose to spend the semester abroad in Washington, D.C. where I completed a thesis, took a public policy class, and worked an internship at the White House. The experience was very formative for me and I have no regrets about leaving the campus I love so much. Many people ask me why I chose to study away from campus and not go abroad. The answer is quite simple: it worked best for my course schedule and for my own wants and needs. I wanted to have part of my junior year on campus. I was not ready to travel so far away from my friends and family at Holy Cross. However, I loved my semester in DC. Working at The White House was a privilege and an adventure I will not soon forget. I made some fantastic friends and I cannot wait until I get the chance to see or maybe work with them again. There are incredible people working at the White House, I’m lucky I got such a chance to experience it first-hand.
Class of 2019, welcome to HC. These years are about to be the best of your life and you are about to encounter the people that will become your family. Don’t blink though, this will be over before you know it and you’ll be sitting around like me wonder how 4 years went by so quickly. 🙂